Friday, April 07, 2006

Spreading The Love...

I woke up on Monday with a killer sore throat. Now before you go thinking I brought it on myself with all the singing and shouting I did on Sunday as my beloved Jam Tarts beat the Hobo's, I didn't. According to my Doc I have Bronchiolitis or however you spell it. Just another fancy name for a chest infection. This is my second in less than 5 weeks and I've spent the most part of this week feeling bloody lousy with the same old ladies cough as before and the necessary runny nose. The Doc prescribed some antibiotics and sent me on my way.

They seem to be doing the trick as my chest feels a bit less tight today (not that my chest is any way loose I might add!) and my nose is now blocked rather than runny!

Looks like with the help of my little friend Mr Amoxicillyn I will be fit and well before my holibobs on Wednesday. Pity the same can't be said for my Mum, Better Half and Wee Sis...they all appear to have come down with a bug in the last 24 hours. Mum is losing her voice, Wee Sis feels like she's dying and Better Half has serious Man flu (if he has man flu does that mean I have bird flu??). Anyway apparently I am to blame for the fact that they are all feeling shitty.

I have been spreading my germs around according to my Mum. Can I help it if I was brought up to share??

I hope they all feel better in time for Florida. If they don't I've got the kids and my niece and nephew to keep me company and get into mischief with...much more fun than being with grown ups anyway!

Jenny xx


jenny said...

Oops...seems I was a bit keen to get rid of the lurgy. I appear to have run out of anitbiotics 2 days earlier than I should have!

How are you coming on with organising your trip across the pond?

Divemaster GranDad said...

Lena...the stewards are all poofters, I believe... And I hope Air Icicles is better than I had with Air Porra...

jenny said...

The male steward on my flight home form Floribobs was as straight as a u turn!! Blonde streaks, fake tan, cheesy grin and the best gay mancunian accent! Sounded like Sean from Corrie Street!!

Oops - sorry Lena Corrie Street is a brit soap!!