Thursday, November 02, 2006

The Padded Cell...

Now I'm not nuts, well not clinically as far as I know, but I do have a gene which I think is a bit disfunctional and can lead me down the road of being a bit crazy sometimes.

I will spontaneously feel the urge to dance at any given moment or sing out loud or even just shout something out. I am very prone to talking to myself, have a habit of asking myself questions and will then answer them but use a different voice in reply. I talk on behalf of the dog and use "boxer voice" when I do so because the dog can't speak for herself. I will encourage the kids to join in my silly moments and they normally will do quite happily...this may explain why I like kids so much!

So it may be that I am touched with a hint of madness. Either that or I'm bi-polar!! Anyway I think I may need to increase this disfunctional gene of mine and start showing more signs of madness. The reason for this is that I have always fancied a wee shot in the padded cell. Sitting there day after day rocking back and forth and mumbling away to myself in a variety of voices. Sleeping when I like, singing whenever I want, being able to scream really loudly if the mood occurs. There's somethng undeniably appealing about that for me.

You need to try everything in life don't you? Give everything a shot once...except for going into a room full of spiders because that's not madness that's just plain stupid and there's a difference. So anyway I might try for the padded cell one day. It's offically going on my "to do" list.

Jenny xx

ps mission accomplished with ironing the trousers yesterday! I shouted out loud a lot, swore a lot and talked to myself for 30 minutes but I got there in the end!


Divemaster GranDad said...

Sounds to me like you might have a case of Tourette Syndrome...Be careful of that though, sufferers have been known to rip their clothes off at inopportune times... :-)

Wreckless Euroafrican said...

Padded cells, spiders, methinks u r touched with a bit of halloween residue my dear....


Wreckless Euroafrican said...

If you don't post soon, It's the dirty toilet for you, never mind padded cells or any other form of padding......
