Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Nursery School Stuff...

Just so you know...

I have deleted the post entitled "For Those Who Have Asked" dated 14th March 2007.

Who knew I'd one day have a blog that attracted so much attention?? I should maybe set up a side blog in the manner of a Watchdog...Blogdog we could call it...where people can complain about posts they dislike. I'll give it a bit of thought! ;-)

So it's gone. Anything to keep my adored readers happy!

And with that I will bid you farewell and leave in a puff of green smoke with the sound of my laughter ringing in the air.

Jenny xx

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Damnit girl, I'm a faitful reader and I'd like to call for the nonremoval of posts that certain people want to whine and bitch about. That's why there's a comment button. To allow people who disagree with your opinions/viewpoints a forum to voice their complaints and to allow a public discourse on said posts.