Friday, May 05, 2006

Ok So The Link Was Buggered...

In the post entitled Yes...Yes...Yes...

I can get it ok but some of you other's can't and as such many of you will have no bloody clue why I was so happy.

I'll tell you...

Hearts have made it into the Champions League qualifiers. Yes it's only the qualifiers but given that we haven't played in the European cup in any form since 1960 this is bloody good news! Even more so when you consider that just 18 months ago the team were on the brink of being no more.

To top it get to the competition we had to make sure Rankgers...I mean Rangers...didn't.
We've split the Old Firm, finished second in the Spl and have a cup final still to look forward to.

Happiness indeed.

"Tell all the Huns that you know...we're in the CL and you're no!!!"

Jenny xx

1 comment:

Divemaster GranDad said...

Ok, so if I was a typical Rangers fan, I'd say "Enjoy your first and only game in the CL since 1960", but I'm not, so I'll say "Enjoy your first and only game in the CL since 1960, ya bastards!!" LOL...

ps...why would I want to tell the Germans ("Huns") that you're in the CL? Tell them yer bloody sel'... LOL...