Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Bouncy, Bouncy...

Soon to be 6 year old has decided he wants a trampoline for his upcoming birthday.

My Mum, a woman of easy persuasion, has been won over by her youngest Grandchild and has decided she's going to buy him one.

I am decidedly undecided as to whether this is a good idea or not. On the plus side it will keep small child and his sister amused for the remainder of the holibobs. On the negative small child or his sister will probably end up in casualty at some point and my garden will become a meeting point for children from far and mate Nikki will testify to that I'm sure as her kids have one already!

Of course it also needs to be considered that small child already has a set of swings, cheesecutter and chute (I can't call it a slide...that's just so English!) out in the garden as it is and a whacking big trampoline is going to take up a nice wee bit more of my garden!

Still I have no doubt that if I decided to put my size 6 well shoed foot down my Mum would remind me that she is his Granny and therefore can do what she likes and I'd be a bad Mum for disappointing my small child....he would look at me as if I was satan and throw a tantrum of epic proportions and probably come out with some sarcastic remark along the lines of "thanks for ruining all my fun Mum...Not!". He gets this cheeky streak from his Mother!

Jenny xx

* Update....My Mum has been on the phone. She has spotted a trampoline and wants to buy it now. We have been summoned to meet her at 2pm to make the purchase. Seems we're getting a trampoline then. Waste of time putting my foot down now then! There's still 14 days till his birthday!


Divemaster GranDad said...

What the hell is a "cheesecutter", aside from the obvious kitchen utensil? Never heard that before...

As for the trampoline, combine that with nurse's uniforms and/or dominatrix leathers, and you add a whole new dimension to satisfaction (oops, did I just shoot my mouth off? - actually don't have a trampoline, used to a few years ago). Who says they're only for kids? I can still do somersaults and tricks, teaching the youngsters a thing or is for grown-ups too.

Wreckless Euroafrican said...

Trampolines have bounced back into fashion, and with them a dramatic increase in accidents.

Figures from the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) show that in 2002 alone, 11,500 people in the UK went to hospital after coming to grief on a trampoline at home or in the gym.

Some hospital accident and emergency departments have seen trampolining accidents rise five-fold, and a few children have been paralysed or even died.

The most recent national figures reveal that 4,200 under-15s were hurt in accidents on trampolines at home in 2002.

Advice to parents on how to protect their children from trampoline tragedies has now been issued by the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP).

Trampoline accidents range from minor grazes, bruises and strains to whiplash injuries, broken bones and paralysed limbs.

The CSP advises parents, if possible, to set the trampoline in a hole, with the mat at ground level, to reduce the distance a user could fall.

Other tips include keeping the trampoline clear of fences, trees and any other yard or play equipment, erecting netting around the trampoline to a height of at least five metres, and placing cushioning material such as wood chips, sand or soft lawn underneath.
