Friday, July 07, 2006


For three days in a row I've had the mother of all headaches. It comes on at the same time each day (mid afternoon) and stays till I go to bed. Asprin doesn't touch it, darkness doesn't help and neither does quiet. 2 dihydracodine worked a good bit yesterday but haven't touched it at all tonight.

I am getting a wee bit demented with it now. Head is thumping, vision is blurry and typing this is not helping! I can't sleep, I feel thirsty like I've been in the fucking desert and while I'm fucking hot is it???? I am boiling. I'm sitting here naked for god's sake and I am sweating (sorry perspiring!). I am as wet as a prostitutes nether regions. My face has that hot glow about it and I feel a sick with the heat. It's half 11 at night. It's Scotland. It's not right. Am I the only one feeling so bloody hot???

Actually rewind a bit...I am naked. I am in my kitchen. I have patio doors and no curtains. I am reaching for my bath robe!!

Best go before I scare a peeping tom to death!

Jenny xx


Divemaster GranDad said...

Sounds a bit like menopause to me...time to go for the old hormone therapy, methinks...

jenny said...

Oh ffs! I'm 32 not 42!! More likely that I need electric shock therapy than anything else. Menopause indeed! You swine!!

Divemaster GranDad said...

Ok, whatever therapy you think will make a difference...still think it's menopause :-)